In light of the World Health Organisation’s recent declaration that COVID-19 is now a pandemic, we are assuring our clients, partners and friends that we are taking all necessary steps required to ensure that our on-and-offline services continue as usual.
But we realise that for many this is NOT business as usual.
Over the coming weeks your business may need to amend the way it does business and we’re here to help.
Some questions to consider:
1/ Are you and your staff set-up for working remotely?
2/ Is your website up to date and secure?
3/ Do you need to update your digital presence to reflect your changed working conditions?
4/ Do you have an online marketing strategy in place to adapt to the changing market?
5/ Could your business offering benefit from creative strategy to work in favour with the changing market?
It’s all systems go here at Five Creative
We know the coming months will be challenging, but together we believe we can find ways to work smarter and prosper together.
Please reach out if there is any way we can help.